My name is Amy McGahee. When I was 42 years old and 4 1/2 months pregnant my baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. I was told 70% chance he would die right away inside of me and to start planning the funeral. Most families choose to terminate their pregnancy when given the diagnosis of Trisomy 18. My choice was to give Baby Ray life and to let God decide how long he lives. I carried him to 35 weeks and delivered him by c-section. Ray was born on September 8,2009 and passed away on September 9,2009. If I had this decision to make again, I would still choose to give him life. God blessed me with 7 precious hours with him. Even though his life was short on earth, he has touched the hearts of so many. I will forever treasure every minute I had with him. My ministry now is to be able to share all of my story in hopes of helping others facing similar circumstances. To offer hope, compassion, understanding, and hopefully even to save the life of a child. Although losing a child is never understood, I thank God for choosing me to be his mom. Please feel free to visit other links to Baby Ray’s story.
Go to: (Click on a picture to enter the web site, then click on client tab, then enter the password- Ray)
Go to: (search for- mom shares story of son with Trisomy 18)
Also: (same story as you tube)
Go to: (search for-Amy McGahee, then on the right click on the picture of Baby Ray touching my nose- mom shares story of son with Trisomy 18)
Go to:
Also: (same story/some different pictures as explore carroll)