

Links to other sites that you may find useful.


Prenatal Support

Choices Medical Clinic–A clinic dedicated to encouraging and empowering women with difficult pregnancies

The Haven Network

International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life

Elizabeth Ministry–Elizabeth Ministry’s mission is to cherish children, encourage families and build community

Emmanuel’s Foundation offers guidance, support and friendship to families in a pregnancy or with an infant having a rare, difficult or life threatening medical diagnosis

Healthy Marriage Tips

Pro-Life Doctors Referrals

Alexandra’s House is a charitable Perinatal Hospice House and Infant Refuge

Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center Christ centered, compassionate, free services to women in unplanned pregnancy situations

An informational site about Anencephaly

Anencephaly Support Foundation: for parents with an Anencephaly diagnosis

Be Not Afraid: A life-affirming poor prenatal diagnosis outreach

Support for Trisomy Families

Living With T13: Trisomy 13 support group

Web site sharing
personal journey with the adverse prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 13

Tepeyac Family Center: Free healthcare provided by prolife Doctors and Nurses

Total Life Care Pregnancy resource centers in MN and WI

Women’s Choice Center: Women’s Choice Center empowers women by providing medical information, pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, counseling, referrals, and support- all at no charge!

E-mail support by Bess: A mother and midwife who offers support to anyone with an adverse diagnosis

“Defiant Birth: Women Who Resist Medical Eugenics” by Melinda Tankard Reist

Prolife support group in Italy


Post Abortion Support

Abortion Recovery: Help, healing, and hope after abortion

www.hopeafterabortion.comProject Rachael:a network of professional counselors and priests, all trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological care for those who are suffering because of an abortion.

National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing

Rachel’s Vineyard: Retreats for healing after abortion

Silent No More: Help for the regret of abortion



Grief Support

Cradle of Hope: A motherhood fund giving hope
and financial help for over 30 years

Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death: Aid for women who have
experienced pregnancy loss


Support for families of children with special needs

The Cerebral Palsy Group

County Offices

International Trisomy 13/18 Alliance

Benefits for People with Disabilities

Medicare and
Social Security Disability: Benefits for Disabled Individuals

American Association on Health and Disability

Siblings with Disabilities

Disability Home Accommodation Cost Guide

Disability and Health

Fire Safety & Disabilities Guide

Getting Social Security Disability Benefits for Newborns with Disabilities

TAG, Trisomy Awareness Group

Down Syndrome Resources Online

Noah’s Never Ending Rainbow–A national Trisomy advocacy organization

International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life

IDSC For Life

Patricia Bauer

Iron Man For Kids

The Office for Family, Laity, Youth & Young Adults— Outreach to Persons with Disabilities

Support groups and information on specific diseases

Support for parents of children with heart defects

Support for Trisomy Families

Living With T13: Trisomy 13 support group

Christian Support For Families of Special Needs Children:

National Down Syndrome Society

The Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders

Serving the needs of EXTRAORDINARY kids

National Disability Rights Network: Protection and advocacy for persons with special needs with lists of resources available in each state

Adoption of Special Needs Children

Hidden Treasures: The Trisomy 21 Journey

Faith and Light Communities Founded in 1971 by Jean Vanier and Marie-Helene Mathieu

Grants for Home Modification

Learn about service dogs

Preparing for Disasters

Cerebral Palsy Guidance


Pro-life Advocacy and Information

Pro-life Advocacy and Information

Human Life Alliance A non-profit, pro-life, educational organization dedicated to protecting human life from the moment of fertilization until natural death

Human Life International: The worldwide Catholic organization dedicated to upholding the value of human life

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

National Catholic Bioethics Center

Pro-Life Action Ministries, dedicated to upholding the dignity of all human life

providing resources to the entire pro-life movement

Pro-Life Across America, “The Billboard People”

U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) Pro-Life Secretariat

Biblical Perspectives on Unborn Children

The Christian View of Abortion

Abortion and the Bible

Lutheran’s for Life

Anglicans for Life

Baptists for Life

Pope John Paul II – Gospel of life

Paul VI -Humanae Vitae

Maternity At Home

Sisters Of Life

Holy Family Adoption


Preconception/ Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning is Safe, Healthy and 99% Effective!For more information, see

One More Soul: Fostering God’s plan for love, chastity, marriage, sex and children

Pope Paul VI Institute: providing moral and professionally acceptable reproductive health services


News, Education and Research

Relevant Radio

The “Duty to Die” Advances

Today’s ‘Palliative Care’ Disrespects the Natural Law

The New Eugenics: Eliminating the “Undesirable” by Prenatal Diagnosis

“Misgivings” written by Barbara Farlow

Outing the Prejudice

Government-Run Health Care Would Ration Care for Disabled Children

Will Reform Overlook Children with Disabilities?

Prenatal DNA test raises both hopes and worries

Giant Hero: One couple’s journey through loving and letting go of a son with Potter’s Syndrome

My Child, My Gift

Exceptional Catholic: A resource for Catholics with disabilities

Informed Consent Video: Understanding your rights as a parent

United Healthcare Children’s Foundation to Offer Medical Assistance Grants: Parents and caretakers across the country will be eligible to apply for grants of up to $5,000 for healthcare services that will help improve their children’s health and quality of life

STUDY – Neonatal Management of Trisomy 18: Study that concludes with treatment (not including major surgery)the one year survival rate of infants with Trisomy 18 is 25% compared 5-10%

NCBS statement on early induction of labor

Medical Description of D&E- 2nd trimester abortion

The Hastings Center, Bioethics Forum

Research Document: “Lethal Language, Lethal Decisions”

Travel Guide for Single Parents


Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriage

Safe Haven Blog

Pope Paul VI

Napro Technology

Fertility Care

Catholic Infertility


The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311
