Peter is a beautiful boy born with full Trisomy 18. His family found out two days after his birth that he had this condition. Markers were identified at a level two ultrasound, and an amniocentesis was offered. Peter’s parents declined, not wanting to risk hurting their baby and knowing they would never intentionally end the pregnancy. Trisomy 18 was described to them as a fatal condition with rare survivors who only live a few weeks. An online information study conducted by their older daughter led them to many surviving children, some in their thirties. Peter’s parents wanted him treated like any other child. Some difficulties arose because of this. Peter has had a P.D.A. ligation, a hernia repair, and a liver biopsy. Peter’s family cherishes each day they have with him. They are strongly supported with many prayers from family, friends, neighbors, parishioners, and some very special priests and religious. Many Doctors and nurses have also given the family much support. Peter has brought his family closer together and has inspired them in many ways. He has taught his siblings many lessons about life and perseverance. He has motivated them to be the best people they can be. He is everyone’s little hero as he meets and surpasses expectations. Peter’s family thinks that next to their faith, he is the best gift God has given them. They look forward to celebrating Peter’s first birthday at the beginning of 2006! Peter’s Story (written for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops)–PDF A Prayer Answered (written by Mary Kellet)