Dear Friends and Supporters,

God continues to bless this ministry with His growth and direction. We have helped families in every state and twenty countries with support, information, encouragement, love and prayer. The beautiful gifts of love, we send out show our families their babies are valued and loved and become treasured keepsakes. Our beautiful new book, “Our Baby Died and Went to Heaven,” has been a comfort and blessing to families all over the world. The book, along with our sweet angel charms and inspiring CD with the popular song, “Down the Road of Bittersweet,” has comforted countless families whose children have gone to heaven. Our individual family grants and funeral/marker financial help have been a God-send to many families who are experiencing hardship due to their situation. It means all the difference in the world for families to have a marker at the grave of their child when visiting. We strive to replace fear with loving support.

None of this would be possible without the generous donations we receive from our friends and donors. We had an extremely successful fundraising dinner featuring Senator Rick Santorum and Christian music artist Karl Kohlhase (website). The night was filled with beautiful music, heartfelt testimonies and an awesome talk by Senator Rick Santorum that included the blessing his daughter Isabella who is 2 1/2 and living with trisomy 18 is to his wife Karen and family. We were truly blessed to have the Senator share his time and wisdom with us all and also to have the gift of Karl’s beautiful music. It was a night enjoyed by all who attended.

The success of the fundraiser and a grant has given us the opportunity to reach out to more families and to continue to educate the world about the gift and blessing children with special needs are. The abortion rate of over 90% of babies diagnosed prenatally with a disability is a sad reality that speaks to the fear and confusion families feel after receiving an adverse diagnosis. PPFL has in the last year taken part in conferences in VA, DC, CA, Columbia University, and North Eastern University, and has had speaking engagements at youth events, churches, schools, and pro-life groups all in an effort to promote the value and gift all life is.

We were blessed to ask to write an article that appeared in the anniversary edition of Human Life Alliance, “She’s a Child, Not a Choice.”
The article called “Peter’s Contribution,” can be read at this link.

We are also included in a wonderful new book soon to be released called “A Special Mother is Born.” We have also been featured in many radio shows and news articles.

The families and supporters of PPFL continue to work tirelessly to educate and engage the world community about the blessings and special gifts our children have to share. They contribute to the world in the most important way possible, by helping us become more, loving, compassionate people. Our kids are truly “Teachers of Our Souls” and we proclaim proudly that there is a place in the world for them.
Our next project that we are working on is a professionally produced teaching DVD that features real families sharing their experience of being faced with an adverse diagnosis in today’s world. This teaching tool is designed to educate, inspire and inform. Look for this exciting DVD available in the summer of 2011!

Please continue to support PPFL with your prayers and financial support so we can continue to assist families before and after the birth of their precious child with special needs and continue with our mission to educate all on the beauty and value these children bring to the world. Thank you and God bless!

Mary with Peter

The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311
