The Story of My Little Sister Zion-Grace

By Natalie Larson
Third Grade
Hi my name is Natalie and I would like to tell you about my little
sister Zion-Grace.
In December my mom and dad gathered me and my brother Spencer in the living room. We had already put up the Christmas tree. There was only one present under the Christmas tree. My mom told me and Spencer to get the present under the Christmas tree. I went under the tree and got it. Mom said you both can open it. Spencer got one side of it and I got the other side, Spencer and I ripped it open. I was so excited. When I saw the present that we got was a baby doll. When you put the pacifier in the mouth it made a sucking noise. When you take it out it cries. My mom and dad also gave us diapers to practice changing diapers but when I saw the note I was even more excited because it said “can I be your baby brother or sister. I realized it meant that we are going to have a baby.
I had been praying and waiting for five years for a baby to be born and finally when I am 8 we were finally having a baby. I was so excited that I jumped up and down yelled and patted my mom’s tummy. Oh how excited I was. At school I told my best friend Kelsey and some other friends that my mom is having a baby in June or July. They were excited too.
Then a few months passed. I was excited because it was Febuary 18th that means my mom and dad are going to the hospital to check if my mom is having a baby boy or a baby girl. When Spencer and I got home from school our aunt Clixie who lives downstairs, watched us. We guessed if the baby was a girl or a boy or twins. I wanted it to be twins and so did my aunt. Spencer didn’t really care.
We waited and I did my home work. Then finally my mom and dad came home.
Spencer and I went out in the garage. We saw that my mom and dad were sad. I wanted to know why they were sad so my aunt went downstairs so my mom and dad could tell us if it was a boy or a girl. We waited for our mom and dad to come in. Spencer and I sat down on the couch and my mom and dad pulled over some chairs.
My dad told Spencer and I we were having a girl. I was so happy that we were saving a girl that I jumped up and down!!!! Then I sat down. My dad said we are having an anecephaly baby. We said what does that mean. My dad said it means the little baby’s brain did not develop all the way and her skull did not grow all the way. The baby will only live for a few hours, minutes, seconds or some anacephaly baby’s don’t live at all. My mom and dad said we will be able to see her in Heaven and she gets a one way ticket to Heaven. My family was very sad.
I asked if I could tell my best frien Kelsey. They said “yes” The next day I went and told some of my friends and my dad came with me to tell my teacher Mrs. Orme. She was very sad for us. When a few weeks had passed we were thinking of a name. We were thinking of naming her Joy-Grace or Rose-Grace but those names did not feel right so we prayed about it and we got a feeling that we should name our little ancephaly baby Zion-Grace. Zion means pure in heart and Grace means by Jesus’s Grace we will see her again.
My family prayed and fasted again and again. Even Spencer and I prayed and fasted for Zion-Grace to be born alive and that we could hold her while she was still alive.
My mom and dad were looking for someone to take pictures of our family before Zion-Grace was born. We found a really nice woman whose name is Kelly Bennett who said she will take pictures. It was about an hour and half from our house but we still drove all that way to take some pictures of our family.
After that a lot of my relatives came to see Zion-Grace when she was born but some had to leave before she was born. My family had to do a memorial service before they had to leave. My mom and dad bought a lot of ballons at the dollar store. At the memorial service everyone got a ballon and made a wish and let it go into the sky. We watched it for a long time. Then we went inside. I got to play the violin and the songs that I played for the memorial service was _I am a child of God_, _I love to see the temple_ and _Families can be together forever_.
Then the next day my mom and dad went to the hospital. They said that they would call Grandma and Grandpa when Zion-Grace will be born. A few days before Spencer and I got to pack for when Zion-Grace was going to be born. So we went and got our clothes that were are going to wear for when Zion-Grace is born and snacks and a pencil and some crayons to draw with.
Spencer and I got ready for bed. I got to sleep in my mom and dad’s bed. I went to sleep but in about two hours I got woked up by my Aunt Mindy saying it is time to go. She helped me get dressed.
My Uncle Allen woke up Spencer but Spencer got dressed all by himself. Spencer and I gathered our stuff and Grandma and Grandpa drove us to the hospital. We got a tour of the hospital about a month before she was born.
We saw two waiting rooms. After that all the other relatives came. I had a really fun time. I got to watch a movie. I got to eat milk duds and Kelly Bennett came to take pictures of Zion-Grace and my family. My mom and dad even gave us two dollars to buy some snacks.
Finally I got to go in the hall in front where my mom was having Zion-Grace. My Grandma, Grandpa and Kelly Bennett were standing next to me and Spencer. We tried to get as close as we could to where my mom was having Zion-Grace but my grandma and grandpa did not let us get close.
Then a nurse came and said that you can come in. Spencer was the first one in the room. When I got in Zion-Grace looked kind of scary. My grandma said we can cover her face. I didn’t want to them to do that so I looked at Zion-Grace again and she didn’t look that scary. She actually looked cute.
When it was my turn I was happy that I got to hold her when she was alive. I said I love you so much Zion-Grace. Thank you for coming to earth.
My dad remembered he wanted to feed her chocolate. My dad got a really small bit of chocolate for her. I think Zion-Grace loves chocolate!!
When she was passing away we laid her on my mom’s chest and she was taking very small breaths. Right when her heart was slowing down I got to show her how to play dolls with the dolls she got for a present.
I love my little sister Zion-Grace and she is so cute. She is the cutest baby I have ever seen. I hope to live a good life so I can live with her and my family in Heaven again.