I am glad God gave me a brother with Down Syndrome. My brother’s name is Martin. He is 4 years old and is a great guy. We get to live with a saint!
He shares more than all of us. He likes to hug you if your sad. He can tell when one of us is sad before anyone else notices, and he makes us feel better with his hugs.
Martin likes to play fiddle so sometimes I let him play it with me. He also gets to sing a little part in our family band where he kind of spits a little, but he comes in at the right time every time.
I like to give him piggy back rides and he loves it. Some times he chokes me because he gets so excited and enjoys the ride so much.
Martin is very smart and sneaky. He knows I’m a little scared of our chickens. When I clean our chicken coop, I like to keep the chickens out cause I don’t like being in the coop with them. When I’m cleaning, he likes to sneak to the door and open it because he knows I’ll get nervous and run out. You can tell he thinks its funny to tease me because of the grin on his face.
I love me brother Martin a lot!!!
Monica Becker