It was a day in June, when we first found out, they told me I was expecting without a doubt.
The shock was amazing since no I’ve always been told. Adoption or surrogate was our only road.
The excitement, so overwhelming, too hold a new baby and comfort and care, the next 6 months will be scary yet have no fear.
Your pictures, to watch you grow; I love you so much, you don’t even know.
Then came the day, they told us your sick, what? I said! No, this is a trick.
They don’t think you’ll make it; at least that’s what they say. Ultrasounds these days have come a long way.
They told us you’re a boy, another surprise. We’re all girls except for Daddy; you’re the new star in his eyes!
You can’t leave us, my little one, what will we do? We all want to share our life with you.
You’ll have 2 sisters and 2 dogs as pets, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles whom are ready to babysit.
You’re so cute; I can’t see what they say. I do know, I would like to hold you anyways.
You have to be a fighter to have gotten to where you are now, don’t stop fighting’ my little baby boy, Mommy’s waiting to hold her bundle of joy.
God is with us, I want you to know, my prayers and thoughts I know will show.
We need not fear what the Lord has planned, if he takes you from me, I know you’ll be in good hands.
You’ll be given your own pair of wings which is well deserved and I will see you again some day to hold and kiss and love you like I already yearn.
Keeping the faith my little one, a tiny miracle that’s just begun.
May God bless us with a wonderful baby boy so we can give and show him our family joy.
For Giovanni, with so much love,
January 12th, 2010