D-2 Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria (D2HGA) Stories


You are not alone in carrying your child with D-2 Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria (D2HGA) to term:

If you have a D-2 Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria (D2HGA) story to share, please submit it to us by contacting mary@prenatalpartnersforlife.org.

Quick Info

D2HGA Links

Coming Soon


The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311

Email: mary@prenatalpartnersforlife.org