Words From Father Bob

I want to introduce you to a powerhouse evangelizer. At the moment I write this (on the eave of “Christ the King”) – he has no equal. His heart is pure. He is guilty of no sin whatsoever. So his message is uncomplicated and unambiguous. He doesn’t even use words. He just is himself and you can’t help but know the point. And that point strikes to the heart of the Culture of Death loud and clear. It challenges every conventional science and it baffles the practical among us. It makes those for profit industries dealing in death and calling it health-care speechless. And for 33 weeks now, Austin has been preaching his message. And it’s been hitting home and striking hearts and making believers even out of believers.

Austin isn’t born yet. As of this writing, he’s still in his mother’s womb. And he’s Anencephalic. His brain hasn’t developed as it should. And he’s not expected to live long at all once he’s born. His parents hope they will have just a little time to be with him outside the womb. But meanwhile they’ve come to love him where he is. As he is. And against initial medical advice from “experts” far away to terminate an already doomed pregnancy – April and Aaron sought the wisdom of the Church. What’s the right thing to do? The answer: Let Austin have as long as God gives him. Love him now. Let him be…Austin…Until he can’t anymore.

Heroes. The parents are heroes of faith – because they took the wisdom of the Church and made it their own against a world which told them there was an easier, quicker, cleaner way. They let Austin keep on…as he is. And they love him with a parent’s love. And they named him. And they introduced him to others. And low and behold – Austin realized his destiny. From the womb. Disadvantaged. Wordless. Powerless. Just being him- Austin began to move hearts. Change minds. Enkindle faith. Austin evangelized. With a simple, powerful, uncomplicated message: God alone is the author of Life. LIFE IS PRECIOUS!

On a Wednesday this past month, Austin convened around 200 people in a little church and led them in prayer. From the womb. As he is. And the people prayed – in THANKSGIVING TO THE GOD OF LIFE and LOVE!

This Christmas – when you think of the baby Jesus in the crib – born for your salvation, feel free to think of Austin. There’s been nobody more powerful in teaching the Christmas message recently than this child of God.

Thank you Austin

Father Bob.


The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311

Email: mary@prenatalpartnersforlife.org