From the very beginning, Addison was determined to prove doctors wrong, and despite the doctor’s belief that it could take years for her mother to get pregnant due to infertility issues, she was conceived on the first month of trying. After she was conceived there was a 50% chance of a miscarriage due to medical issues but the little fighter was able to survive the first trimester. We went in for our 21 week gender ultrasound and were thrilled to find out the sex of our baby, but instead found out that she had a rare and fatal fetal anomaly. Despite doctor recommendations to abort her, we decided to let her stay with us as long as God would allow. Every single week Addison surprised doctors and continued to grow bigger and stronger. We were told not to expect her to be able to survive until full term, not to expect her to survive a natural delivery, not to expect her to look at us, and not to expect her to cry. On Friday May 17th, Addison entered the world at 6:59 am, she was 3 lbs 9 ounces and 17 inches long. She was able to cry and even looked up at both of her parents. She was able to meet several family members and was showered with tons of love before she passed away very peacefully at 7:37 am. Continuing to carry Addison after her diagnosis was the hardest thing her parents have ever had to do, but spending those 38 minutes with her on Earth was the most rewarding minutes of our lives.