Dear Friends and Supporters,

Super Bowl Champion, great husband and father, Matt Birk was the featured speaker for our 2013 banquet. Matt was an inspiration to us all as he shared his strong pro-life convictions and love of faith and family. Matt talked about living our convictions and not being afraid to speak up in defense of the unborn and those whose lives are at risk. The second annual Peter Kellett Angel of Light award was given to a family who has supported the mission of PPFL from the beginning, Gary, Amy and Allison Glasscock. Allison is a beautiful 29-year-old woman who has Down syndrome and has been a source of hope and encouragement to many families. Gay and Amy have helped PPFL through mentoring other families, generously donating printing, and providing hospital respite and support. A delicious gourmet meal, a live auction and heartwarming testimonies rounded out a beautiful night. Thank you to all of our supporters for allowing our work to continue through your generous donations and prayers!

Our ministry of offering support, information and encouragement to families continues to grow and has reached families in 37 different countries. One big aspect of our ministry is education. Our message about the value and dignity of all life, and our services are promoted by talks, seminars, conferences, publications, etc. We have been blessed to speak to many different groups, nationally and internationally, including universities, doctors, the government, churches, pro-life groups, conferences, and many other organizations. I have been blessed to share Peter’s story and this ministry that he inspired hundreds of times. Many times doctors or other medical professionals will come up to me afterwards and encourage me to keep sharing the blessings of special children like Peter and the gift that they are.

We developed with the help of a pro-life OBGYN doctor a poster that promotes a positive message along with pictures of beautiful children with various special needs. As we have heard many times before, so little positive is ever said and so little hope is ever offered. We hope to change and soften hearts and to take away fear and replace it with love. Our poster is free and is available to order by e-mail request (remember to include your mailing address).

Our book, ” Our Baby Died and Went to Heaven,” has been translated into Spanish and will be printed in 2014. With the increase of families that speak Spanish who seek our support, this is a much needed and valuable resource to be able to offer.

Our Family/Funeral and Marker Grant program continues to expand and be a much needed resource for many families we serve. To be able to offer practical help means so much to families who need assistance at a very challenging time in their lives. Our program and the need for it continues to rapidly grow and would not be possible without your generous help.

We now have beautiful memorial cards to send to families in memory and honor of their precious child. If you would like to make a donation (of any amount) in honor of a special child please do so below. A memorial card will be sent to you, which you can personalize and send to your loved one.This is a wonderful way to let a family know that you are thinking of them while at the same time supporting families through our work.



The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311
