Laura Alice Laura is our healthy, chubby, one year old baby – who with her big blue eyes, strawberry-blonde hair, happy smile and sunny, sweet disposition manages to touch hearts and make friends wherever she goes. She knows she is my sunshine – she knows she is loved. I can’t imagine life without Laura… her warm, sloppy kisses on my cheek…the way she cuddles up to nurse, how she gently pats my arm, and the way she looks right into my eyes. Laura laughs, says “da-da”, and loves to sit up and play with toys and look at books. She REALLY loves attention from her brother and sisters, which they love giving her! She’ll play “picnic” with her sisters or happily sit and watch football with her teenage brother. A year ago when she was born with Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), her daddy and I didn’t know what to expect. Since then, we have read and learned a lot about Down syndrome. We will put no limitations on Laura… instead, we will encourage her to live to her potential, fulfilling the purpose God has for her life. To us, she is a treasure – and we are so thankful she is a part of our family… so much so, that my 16 yr. old daughter now wants to adopt a baby with Down syndrome one day. There is an adoption waiting list for these special babies, and now I understand why.