The news of Nicole’s Diagnosis first arrived by way of a phone call from my doctor. “We’re not sure”, she said, “but she may have Down Syndrome.” I almost dropped the phone thinking that this was the worst thing I had ever heard. My doctor encouraged us to see a genetic counselor and a physician specializing in the field. After some tests, we met with the doctor who told us that it could be either Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome or Trisomy 18. An amniosentesis was recommended but my husband and I declined. Our previous pregnancy had ended in a miscarriage and we were told there was a risk it could happen when taking the test. This all took place during the second trimester of our pregnancy and there were many weeks ahead of us. Not knowing what to expect was difficult but God graciously carried us through by the prayers of friends and family. By the time we entered the third trimester, ultrasounds and stress tests were a weekly event. We had prayed and asked others to pray specifically for her developing organs. Each ultrasound showed these prayers answered. Still, we did not know what to expect until October 3, 2005 when Nicole came into our world. As soon as I looked at her, I knew she had Down Syndrome. Later on tests confirmed it. Our first few months were busy as we saw a number of specialists for medical evaluations. I am happy to report that she is a healthy little girl. She is spunky, often willful, as any three year could be, and is developing well at her own rate. We are so thankful for her. She is the blessing that came out of uncertainty and faith.