Kidney Defects / Potter’s Syndrome Stories


You are not alone in carrying your child with Potter’s Syndrome or other kidney defects to term. This is what Michael’s mom has to say to parents who have been given the adverse prenatal diagnosis of Potter’s Syndrome or other kidney defects:

“Even though Michael didn’t live very long, we are at peace in our hearts with the decision we made about allowing Michael to live according to God’s will and not by our own accord. Our lives have truly been blessed through the years and our faith strengthened, as a result of this little saint who was given to us for such a short time. We came to realize that none of our children are really ours. They are given to us from above to love and care for and eventually they will all return to the Father. We are so thankful that we chose life for Michael.”

If you have a Kidney Defects or Potter’s Syndrome story to share, please submit it to us by contacting


The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311
