Kate’s Poem for Gianna’s Burial

God’s Grace from Heaven, oh so sweet
Tiny toes on wrinkled feet;

Teeny hands with fingers clenched,
That many loving tears have drenched;

Gorgeous eyes of deep dark blue,
Taking in everything new;

Two whole weeks you stayed on earth,
Every moment had its worth;

We hope to see you later on,
When we ourselves from earth have gone; 

Till then to you we send our love,
God’s Grace from Heaven, His little dove.


The support, information and encouragement provided by the PPFL parents is not meant to take the place of medical advice by a medical professional. Any specific questions about care should be directed to a health care professional familiar with the situation.


Phone: 763-772-3868

Fax: 866-870-9175

Prenatal Partners for Life
PO Box 2225
Maple Grove, MN 55311

Email: mary@prenatalpartnersforlife.org