Carly, when I think of you,
I think of movement, beauty and grace.
I think of red hair and curls.
I think of God’s power and my weakness….
and I am not ashamed.
When I think of you
I think of… life…. health…sickness…death…
Jehovah Rafah…the Great Physician…
dancing in the hem of His Robe.
I consider that we are ALL born to die,
and I am not afraid or ashamed.
I ponder the fragility of life, the desire to live,
and the faith to trust in the One
who has already recorded every day of your life
before ever one of them came to be.
Carly, you bring me joy, laughter, and tears.
You touch my heart deeply
and require me to live within my Strong Tower.
There is no better place to abide.
I am not ashamed. I am not afraid.
My strength may fail, but God’s will not.
The riches and mercy of Christ Jesus Himself
are meeting every need you have,
every need I have, daily!
Wow, an empty tomb, a Risen Lord,
and by His stripes we are healed!
We are hidden beneath His wings
Carly, you are precious!
You are loved!
You were chosen before the foundation of the world
to rule and reign with Christ!
Janae colors and thinks of you.
Kathryn prays and thinks of you.
Daddy prepares and thinks of you.
You and I go lots of places together
and Jehovah God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
meets us there…everywhere we go,
He is there.
And I pray:
His kingdom come,
His will be done (for you) on earth
exactly like it is done in heaven.
( Psalm 56:12)
That He will deliver your life from death
Yes, and our feet from falling,
That you may walk before God
In the light of life and of the living