by Becky Sharkey
Dear my Luke Allen,
On this Mother’s Day my thoughts are so full of you as they should be because you are my precious baby. I want you to know that today I especially thank God for the gift of you, and that my heart is so full of love for you. But even though I love you so much that my heart hurts to see you suffer, know that God loves you so much more. He loved you so much that he thought of you before your life began, even before the world began. He knew you were going to suffer, but He loved you too much not to create you, just like He loved the whole world too much not to send His only Son to redeem it. And His Son, Jesus, suffered too, and the thought of you kept Him going through His sufferings. Now Jesus is in heaven looking down upon you in your sufferings with the most compassionate eyes and merciful heart that there ever was. He is constantly showering you with the grace to keep going and whispering to you that someday when you meet him in heaven, He will combine your suffering to His and give you a joy beyond all understanding. The best thing about this little Lukie, is that no one can take this joy away from you.
I hope and pray that one day you will read this when you are older and healthier and know how much love surrounds you today, this Mother’s Day, and always.
Love from the heart, Mommy.
Oh Blessed Mother,
Today we rejoice that Our Lord in his agony gave you to us to be our Blessed Mother. By your intercession with your most merciful Son, end this nightmare that we are living through, and if this is not possible, reconcile us to your Son’s Will. Oh Sorrowfull Mother, show us the depths of your immaculate heart. Oh Queen of Heaven and Dearest of all Mothers, how beautiful you are!